Space it out

Space it out

Publish Date: 24-04-2023

Planning your furniture layout, space planning as it is called, in any room asks you first to observe and note your daily routine and movement patterns within that space. This is what leads to great interior design as, in any space, ease of use is as important as aesthetics. Designing a space to get the most from it, is a human thing; it is always about people and how they live in that space. This is the very essence of interior design. Homes that embody good looking, well-balanced, harmonious, functional and practical interior design tend to be happy homes.

When designing you home, you will really benefit from following this sequence of planning while asking yourself some pertinent questions:

Now, think about the ambience you want to create. How should the room feel, in terms of space? Airy, light, earthy, comfortable and cosy, or minimal and serene?

Based on the answers to the earlier two points, think about the colours and textures you would want in your interiors. Would natural and tactile textures go with the ambience or clean and smooth one? What colours would evoke the ambience you want to create?

Finally, you can work out the actual layout of the furniture along with the design style. How big or small should the furniture pieces be? How much space is available for the sofa or dining table?

Believe it or not, inanimate furniture pieces like sofas and armchairs, when placed in a certain way do create feelings of being welcome and invited or not! The first impression a space gives out can be very important, a welcoming and comfortable living room or a relaxing and cosy bedroom. Demarcating zones based on activity requirements within a space will prove to be very helpful in figuring out placement of furniture groups in the most convenient manner. Ease of movement within this space with ample circulation spaces makes for a free and flowy well-designed interior.

Some helpful considerations for you to keep in mind when designing you home:

We all love to scan spaces and find eye-catching objects in a space when entering it. Remember to add just a few, or maybe just one or two focal points.

Angled groups of furniture always give out a cosy inviting feeling, ideal for encouraging conversations.

Choose furniture that is proportionate with the size of the room. Large furniture pieces will make small rooms seem much smaller.

In small spaces use floating wall-mounted shelving or fold away bar counters and cabinets to create the illusion of space by keeping as much of the floor free and open.